Upcoming iMobility Forum event
iMobility Forum plenary meeting, Brussels, 29 April
The 4th iMobility Forum Plenary Meeting will be held in the Diamant Centre Brussels on 29 April 2014 from 9:00 to 17:00. The Welcome Address and Keynote Speech will be delivered by Colette Maloney, EC DG CONNECT and iMobility Forum chair. The meeting will focus on the latest achievements of the Forum’s Working groups covering all the major topics within ICT for safe, smart and clean road mobility. The afternoon session will introduce the European eCall Implementation Platform (EeIP), Standardisation and Pre commercial procurement in Europe, the ITS Europe Congresses in Helsinki & ITS World Congress in Detroit, as well as the HeERO pilot and the iMobility challenge, P4ITS and VRA support actions. To register, please click here